Standing in front of a university sign. Check out that cactus! There are cactus plants next to orange trees in Queretaro.
Another example of the striking murals painted on buildings at the UAQ. The campus boasts many interesting works of art.
The shrub, which reads “DERECHO!”, is a good example of the interesting horticulture at the UAQ. Shrubs are shaped like bunnies, birds, you name it.
Student IDs! Two students show off their brand new IDs after getting them at the end of the first week. The Student IDs grant them access to the university library and the computer lab.
Waiting to get into the university library to use the lab.
Enjoying the sunshine and downtime between classes.
Two students work on their Spanish outside of a small café on campus while waiting for the second year students to get out of History class. There are two sets of classes: one for the first year Spanish speakers and one for the more advanced.